Because of the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, all revival meetings and Sunday services have been canceled until the president lifts the gathering restrictions that are currently in place. I will be doing periodic Facebook Live sessions and will be recording some teachings and listing them in the media section of our website. Our trips to both Trinidad and ALL Schools of Ministry in Kenya during April have been postponed until further notice. For more information, visit our website; or my personal blog page
This past Monday, I recorded a Facebook Live in which I shared 3 Ways To Keep Fear Out During Times Like These. Holy Spirit awakened me on Monday morning and told me very clearly, these are not just good teaching & preaching points: they are orders to live by during these changing times.
1.We MUST renew our mind DAILY. We have heard so much great teaching on renewing the mind, but have not experienced the fullness of the teaching. You have to force yourself into this daily discipline in changing times. Romans 12:1,2 states:
“I beseech[a] you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your [b]reasonable service. 2 And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.”
There was a time in my early walk with the Lord that I thought there were three divisions, or three parts to the will of God: the good will of God, the acceptable will of God, and the perfect will of God. But at this stage in the history of the world the only good and acceptable will of God is the perfect will of God. Nothing else will do!
2.We MUST re-sanctify our will. I’m glad Jesus loves us. I am very grateful for the unconditional love and mercy of our Heavenly Father. But if we are going to impact a hurting and confused world in chaotic and changing times, we MUST come back before the Father and pray this prayer sincerely, “not my will, but let You will be done!” If Jesus wrestled with keeping His will out of the way so the will of the Father could be accomplished, then you and I will experience that as well during certain seasons in our lives. That’s part of the recalibration process of the Spirit
Only being in and living in the perfect will of God matters.
3.We must learn to check our emotions. Learn the difference between Holy Spirit moving and our emotions being moved. Sadly, many Spirit filled people live by unchecked emotions. They are constantly looking for the next revival, sermon or new hit Christian song that will move their emotions to make them feel closer to God. Paul told us in 1 Corinthians 2 there are three types of people in the church: the natural man (who cannot receive the things of the Spirit fo God), the carnal man (one who is born again but living by the will of the flesh; then there is the spiritual man. According the Thayers Concordance, a spiritual man is “one who is led by and governed by the Spirit of God.”
Friends, press in to His Presence, dig into His word. Spend time praying with your family. God is not finished with you; He’s not finished with the United States, and He is NOT finished with the church. We are the ekklesia, the called out ones. Ready to live our days truly led by AND governed by the Spirit of God.
And that is the place of no fear!
Thank you to those who have remembered Pam and I during these interesting times. Thank you for being a channel of blessing to not only us, but all those around the world who depend on us to help their lives become a little easier as well. From the orphans at Hope Centre, all the pastors who are under our care around the world and to the widows we try to help in a small way here in the US: thank you! You can give by debit/credit card at or by check to:
Revival Now International
P.O. Box 1076
Lanett, Alabama 36863
Thank you for believing in and supporting Revival Now’s call to the nations!
David & Pam